Developing a Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Solution for a Singaporean Retailer

Software projects delivered by QSoft Vietnam

About the Project

Our client is a leading Singaporean retailer with an extensive supply chain network that spans multiple countries. The retailer manages the procurement, transportation, and distribution of products across various channels. However, the client faced significant challenges in tracking shipments, ensuring transparency, and minimizing fraud. They sought a solution that could provide real-time visibility into their supply chain operations while reducing operational risks. QSoft was entrusted with developing a blockchain-based solution to enhance the transparency, efficiency, and security of the retailer’s supply chain. The project aimed to create an immutable ledger for tracking the movement of goods in real-time, leveraging blockchain technology to reduce fraud and improve trust across the supply chain. Additionally, smart contracts were to be implemented to automate key processes, such as verifying deliveries and payments, ensuring seamless and trustworthy transactions between the retailer and its suppliers.


  • Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
  • Programming Languages: Solidity (for smart contracts), Python, JavaScript
  • APIs: Custom RESTful APIs for integration
  • Frontend: React.js
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Security: SSL/TLS for secure data transmission, blockchain’s inherent cryptographic security
  • Project duration

    Project duration: 8 Months

    Team Size

    Team Size: 12

    Satisfaction Score

    Satisfaction Score: 94%

    The Screenshots

    Project challenges


    • Integration with Legacy Systems: The client’s existing supply chain management systems were not built to handle blockchain technology. This required developing custom APIs that could integrate the blockchain ledger with legacy software without disrupting ongoing operations. Ensuring smooth data synchronization between both systems was crucial to maintaining real-time tracking and transparency throughout the supply chain.
    • Data Integrity and Security: One of the core challenges was ensuring the data recorded on the blockchain remained accurate and tamper-proof. Since blockchain transactions are immutable, any incorrect data entry or fraud at an early stage could compromise the system. QSoft needed to ensure secure and foolproof mechanisms for data entry to prevent potential errors while maintaining the blockchain’s cryptographic security.
    • Smart Contract Implementation: Smart contracts had to be carefully tailored to automate various supply chain processes, such as verifying deliveries and managing payments. Developing these contracts required a deep understanding of the client’s operational workflow to ensure they reflected real-world supply chain interactions. Additionally, testing was needed to guarantee that these smart contracts executed flawlessly under all conditions.
    • Fraud Detection and Prevention: The retailer had experienced ongoing issues with fraud, particularly related to product tampering and misreporting during transportation. QSoft had to design a system that could provide real-time visibility and immutable tracking to identify and prevent fraudulent activities. Ensuring that the blockchain solution could detect anomalies and flag potential risks required sophisticated algorithms and monitoring mechanisms.

    How QSoft solves problems

    Our Solutions

    • Blockchain-Integrated APIs: Using Node.js and Express.js, QSoft developed custom RESTful APIs to integrate Ethereum’s blockchain with the client’s legacy supply chain systems. These APIs enabled seamless real-time data exchange, ensuring that product movements were reflected both on-chain and in the existing system. This integration allowed stakeholders to access updated information without interrupting the current workflow.
    • Immutable Ledger for Transparency: By utilizing Ethereum’s blockchain, QSoft created an immutable ledger to record every transaction across the supply chain. The ledger provided tamper-proof, transparent data on product sourcing, transportation, and delivery. The built-in cryptographic security of the blockchain, combined with SSL/TLS for secure data transmission, ensured the integrity and privacy of all recorded transactions.
    • Smart Contract Templates: QSoft developed smart contracts using Solidity to automate critical supply chain processes such as delivery verification and payment authorization. These contracts are executed based on predefined conditions, ensuring accuracy and eliminating the need for manual interventions. The use of smart contracts streamlined operations and reduced processing time, enhancing supply chain efficiency.
    • Fraud Reduction and Prevention: To combat fraud, the blockchain’s cryptographic security and real-time tracking capabilities were leveraged. The combination of React.js for the frontend and Python for backend data analysis enabled real-time anomaly detection. This solution allowed the retailer to proactively monitor for inconsistencies, reducing fraud by 30% through transparency and traceable product data.

    Project successful result


    • Enhanced Supply Chain Transparency: The blockchain solution created a fully transparent supply chain system where every stakeholder had access to real-time information about the status and location of goods. This improved trust among suppliers, retailers, and logistics providers.
    • Fraud Reduction: The introduction of the immutable ledger and real-time tracking led to a 30% reduction in fraudulent activities, particularly around product misreporting and tampering during transportation.
    • Improved Efficiency with Smart Contracts: The automation of processes through smart contracts eliminated many manual tasks, reducing delays and ensuring timely verification of deliveries and payments. This helped the retailer speed up their operations and improve the overall efficiency of the supply chain.
    • Increased Trust and Compliance: The retailer’s stakeholders, including suppliers and logistics partners, gained more confidence in the system’s transparency and fairness. The solution also helped in regulatory compliance, as the blockchain provided a verifiable audit trail for all supply chain transactions.